...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Window to the Womb

Kaitlynn Leane Crawford
*33 weeks 1 day*

Kelly and I had our 3D/4D ultra sound this week and it went extremely well. We had to have it done before 34 weeks, but didn't want it much earlier than 32 weeks - so we had it done right in the middle :) How convenient!

We went to a place up in Cumming, GA - about 45 minutes from our house. It was called "Window to the Womb," which I thought was perfect! The lady who owns it has worked with ultra sounds for 18 years and has had lots of practice, plus let's be honest - she was extremely nice!! When we first got into our room, she entered in all of our information, then started doing some measurements of Kaitlynn. She said all ultra sounds are a little bit off from each other with the expected due date - give or take one or two weeks. We were showing 2 days ahead on her machine which is definitely A-Okay with me!! That would put us at September 1, 2009. At least we know for sure that she should arrive in the next 7 weeks or so unless she decides to come early.

Before going for our ultra sound, Kelly & I made some bets on how much Kaitlynn would weight at this point. A lot of the websites we get on a weekly basis said that at this stage your average baby weighs about 4lbs 8oz. I guessed 3lbs 10oz, and Kelly guessed 3lb. 8oz. We were definitely thinking she would be smaller than "average" because she just now hit a growth spurt. We'll, we should have gone the other direction with our thinking because that growth spurt was definitely one!!

Kaitlynn weighed in at ....... 4lbs. 12oz. today! She is expected to be around 7lbs - 7lbs. 8 oz. when she makes her arrival. I am just beside myself with happiness - she is almost at the 5lb. mark which means whenever she arrives she can still go home with us after 48 hours unless there are complications. We also found out today that she is head down and should not turn since there isn't much room for turning. Whenever Kelly and I see her pushing on me, that's her back :) Kind of neat to know where she's positioned so we know what she's doing in certain locations!!

Here are a few pictures that I know everyone has been waiting to see!!

The heartbeat - 180 bpm - I had a cup of coffee this morning,
so she was definitely all over the place :)

Kaitlynn's legs

Sleepy! Waiting on her to wake up - coffee & cold water did the trick.

Grinning for the camera

Puckering up - Kelly's going to have to really keep an eye on this little one!!
As he always said - no dating until she's 30 :)

Smiling for the camera

Sticking our her tongue - she did this a lot during the ultra sound!


The next pictures we'll see will be of our baby girl in our arms!! We cannot wait for her to be here and to share with you the joy she's going to bring to both of us and our families.

1 comment:

  1. Again, too cute! So glad she was cooperative and that y'all got such awesome pictures.
