...Our amazing life...

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We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our baby girl.....hurt for the 1st time!

This past weekend, Kelly and I noticed that Willa wasn't her normal, playful self as usual. As of Saturday afternoon she was hobbling while walking, having a difficult time jumping on the couch and bed, and just not her typical self. We had just gotten inside from letting her roll around in the grass, tear apart some pine cones, and play outside when we noticed the big differences. At first we thought she might have been bitten by a bug or stung by a bee while outside rolling around in the grass. We started giving her 25mg of Benedryl twice a day at that point just in case. We've had to do that before so we already new what to do.... a little bit at least. Sunday rolled around - not much better......Monday came - still no progress. Also, by Monday her joint in her back left leg also started to show some swelling and slight color disfiguration. I made the ultimate decision to go ahead and take Willa in to the vet yesterday afternoon instead of waiting for Tuesday evening to come around.

Before the Vet pictures:

When we got to the vet, I explained to the technician everything that had been going on and all the things I have noticed with Willa that are not normal. They took her temperature - just like last Thursday, she wasn't a fan of that procedure :) They asked some questions and then had me wait for the doctor to come in. Once she did, Willa was a lot more calm than I thought she'd be - the doctor checked her over and said that she might have to have surgery if the bones in her leg we broken or the tendons were not connected anymore. She said she could feel that things were not aligning right in her back, left leg as they were in her right. This meant they needed to do some X-rays. Usually with X-rays they have to sedate dogs so they can get the proper shots of the bones, but I asked them to try getting the X-rays with Willa without the sedation. We would have had to come back this morning and leave her at the vet if they had to sedate her :( Nonetheless, they took Willa to the X-ray room without me and tried to get the correct shots - I sat in the waiting room and just prayed, hoping the shots would turn out and hoping nothing serious was wrong with my baby girl. The doctor finally came back out so I could look over the X-rays with her to understand what was going on with Willa's leg. Praise the Lord she had no broken bones, just a hairline fracture that can correct itself with lots of rest. She also showed inflammation in her joints in her lower leg and up into her thigh. No additional X-rays....no sedation.....no surgery! Praise the Lord!

Willa is currently on 2 weeks of bed-rest with no running, exercise, climbing up and down our stairs, and limited amount of walking during the day. She is taking Rimadyl which is a pain medicine & anti-inflammatory twice a day after both meals. Thankfully I am at home during the day and can take care of her. I do get her up occasionally and put her down off the bed or couch to get her to move around and use her legs some, but it's definitely limited. At least she seems to be more comfortable and relaxed than she did before we took her to the vet to get checked out. She takes her medicine until next Monday - so one week, but has to continue her bed-rest until the following Monday, August 10th.

Pray for our baby girl to heal and feel better soon!! It makes me sad knowing she's hurt and doesn't feel well. I guess this is good preparation for Kaitlynn and the many things she may go through as well!!

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