...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Priceless Moments

1 Month Old
*September 20, 2009*

Thursday was a long day for both Kaitlynn and I. Kelly was gone all day Wednesday from
8:00am - 9:00pm with work and a business dinner. Thursday Kelly was unable to come home for lunch because of meetings at work from 9:00am - 1:00pm. After the long day we had on Wednesday, God blessed me and gave me priceless moments with our daughter on Thursday. Kaitlynn had a fantastic day - she was not fussy at all like the past two days. She wanted to spend a lot of time snuggling, and she had several great naps! I also was able to get her to spend some time in her Play Place for about 30 minutes. She loves looking at all the bright colors. She'll soon be able to play with the toys that are attached. I'm enjoying watching her as she realizes that she can see new things and begins to focus more on them!

*When I went to pick Kaitlynn up after a nap, I spoke to her for a minute and she smiled*

Play Place Time

*With mommy's help.... Kaitlynn grabbed & held on
to her toy for about 30 seconds!!*

Friday started of our weekend!! Kelly did go in to work, but knowing that he would be home for two days made the day fly by. I love having all 4 of us at home together - Kelly, myself, Kaitlynn & Willa. It is a joy to relax together and spend time with our girls.

Kaitlynn had another good day on Friday! She slept throughout the night from 12:00am - 9:00am while getting up for her 2 feedings in between. She was awake and wanted to "play" or snuggle for about 2 hours before laying down for a nap.

*I absolutely adore the times when Kaitlynn wants to lay on my chest and be rocked to sleep. She is so precious in those moments and I adore her to pieces!*

Saturday was a relaxing day until we woke up & got out of our bed!! Kaitlynn & I slept on the couch from about 5:30am-8:30am before her next feeding. However, once 8:30am rolled around, Kelly & I had an extremely hard time getting our daughter to sleep! She also had a rough day with her feedings as well - most likely because she wasn't napping and was tired! Hopefully she'll get some rest and pick back up with her feedings as normal. For now I'm trying to feed her what she'll take and then I'm pumping!

Other than trying to get our daughter to rest, we were able to get some house work done this morning: vacuum, laundry, trash day, etc. Of course, on top of cleaning, and trying to get Kaitlynn to sleep - Kelly did manage to watch several football games :) We also had a visit from the Cordes Family! They are in our Sunday school class and are absolutely a wonderful family. We definitely enjoyed visiting with them today!

One of our many tries to get Kaitlynn to sleep!

However, Willa Grace has no problems sleeping!

Today... Sunday, September 20th, is Kaitlynn's 1 month!! It seems very surreal that we've had our daughter for one month now! We have had so many learning experiences over the past month that the days seem to blur together. We've enjoyed our time with her these past 30 days and cannot wait to see what's in store for month 2. God truly has blessed our family with a precious daughter. I cannot wait to see what he has in store for her!

We had all intentions of going to Sunday school & church this morning, but our exhausting day yesterday led to sleeping in until 8:30am - Kelly taking a nap from 10:00am - 12:00pm, and no church! We'll try it again next week! Hopefully we'll eventually make it on Sunday morning and it'll just become second nature going with a newborn :)

We did get out of the house for a hour or so. It's still tough for me getting out of the house alone with Kaitlynn so I spend most of the week inside our home or walking around our complex with the girls. With Kelly at home, we took advantage and headed to Zucca for some italian food and then stopped by CVS for some much needed diapers! We were hoping we wouldn't need to get anymore newborn diapers, but Kaitlynn is just shy of 8lbs. and cannot quite fit into the "1's" yet...so we stopped and got 2 more packs of newborns = 72 more "N" diapers. Hopefully we won't need anymore!

We spent the rest of Kaitlynn's big day at home watching NFL football. I was excited about watching football today since Carolina Panthers were playing Atlanta Falcons! I like both teams so it was enjoyable for me. Kelly was happy because his fantasy team was winning this week against Dustin's - oh the small joys of men! :)

Happy 1 month to Kaitlynn!

1 Month Old

Monday rolled around and another work week started for Kelly. I sure do miss him during the day when he has to be at work, but it's definitely been nice having him home for lunch most days!! I've tried to do my best and have a home cooked meal at lunch rather than dinner time. Today went extremely well minus all the rain! Just to let everyone know who isn't in our area.... as of 3:00pm today Smyrna, GA has received 8 inches of rain = INSANE! It has been absolutely crazy the past few days with the amount of rain we've received, but last night and today have been the worst! I don't remember the last time we experienced a thunderstorm that lasted throughout the entire night - but we had one last night! Kaitlynn & Willa didn't enjoy the storms, and Kelly & I definitely didn't enjoy the lack of sleep because of them. Today we've had a monsoon it feels like and doesn't look like it's going to let up anytime soon. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have a little bit of a break with all the rain.
Kaitlynn ate this morning around 7:30am, went down for a nap around 8:45am and slept until 11:15am! Today marks the first time she has EVER gone over 3 hours during the day without eating!! I am not counting on it to happen all the time, but it's definitely nice to know that she can go longer at times :) We're slowly moving up people!! Slowly moving up.... During Kaitlynn's nap time, I was able to grab a shower, fix spaghetti for lunch, and do some housework like vacuuming! It felt great being productive this morning while Kaitlynn was asleep....especially since the weather is horrible and we're not getting outside at all.
This afternoon has been pretty easy as well. Once Kelly left to go back to work for the afternoon, Kaitlynn spent the majority of her time napping on the couch. She absolutely loves one of our cozy blankets and just sleeps the day away on it. I used to get nervous letting her sleep on the couch, but after attempting to put her down at 12:30 for a nap in her bassinet and her waking up, I'm okay with the couch :) Check out a picture:

Snoozing away.....

Willa decided to snooze as well....
1st position of the day.....

2nd position......

The rain continued the rest of today..... we ended up getting around 10 inches of rain. Kelly was planning on working out after work, but the roads were getting horrible, so he headed home instead. We spent the rest of the evening inside, relaxing! Thank goodness our shows are NEW this week! 2 hour season of House came on tonight = fabulous.

Tuesday rolled around and Interstate 285 was CLOSED! If that doesn't sound horrible enough, one of the sections that was closed was surrounding our exit. My mom had planned to come down to "hang out" for 2 days, but it got postponed to Wednesday & Thursday. Now that things are settled down a bit and I don't feel like a nervous wreck 24/7....I can actually enjoy my mom's company! Kaitlynn also had her 1 month appointment with Dr. Smail - yes we ended up changing our PED. I'll explain in one minute.... anyways - she had her 1 month appointment, but I had to call and reschedule for this upcoming Monday - September 28th because there was no way for me to get to the office. The roads going by interstate & back roads were by the Chattahoochee River = flooding. When Kelly & I took Kaitlynn in for her 1st check-up with our pediatrician office, we were scheduled to see Dr. Smail. Dr. Hassel was not available on that Monday. We actually remembered Dr. Smail from her hospital visit & remembered how much we enjoyed meeting her & spending some time talking to her about Kaitlynn while we were at Northside. After our 1st appointment, we decided to continue seeing her for all of Kaitlynn's upcoming appointments. Funny how things change!! I was planning a regular delivery....that changed to a C-Section, I was planning on using Dr. Hassel, and that changed once we met Dr. Smail.... I was planning on breastfeeding only.... well, that changed & we're supplementing a little bit with Enfamil formula as of last night. Explanation??

I called Dr. Smail yesterday and left a voice mail asking her to call back at her convenience. She called me back within 2 hours - I thought that was pretty quick! I had several questions/frustrations with breast feeding Kaitlynn. She breastfed her children so I felt confident speaking with her on the issue. The end result = whether we choose to breastfeed, use expressed breast milk, or choose formula - Kaitlynn will grow up happy & healthy. She has been a breastfed child for 5 weeks now and I wouldn't have changed that for anything. She has gotten what she needs from me especially during the first few weeks. However, Dr. Smail also told me that she supplemented with formula with her own children to give herself some breaks from breastfeeding. This also allowed her to know how much her children were getting food-wise on occassion. It was wonderful talking with her about Kaitlynn's nutrition and our goals for her & her growth & health. Kelly & I spent some time talking about what we'd like to do with our daughter once he got home from work.

Anyways..... last night Kelly tried give her 2 ounces of Enfamil, and half an ounce of breast milk by bottle and I went to bed! I woke up to a "cough" like noise at 2am, and Kaitlynn was still sound asleep so I went into the den and pumped! It had been 6 hours at that point since the last time I fed her, so I went ahead and pumped then headed back to bed. Around 5:30am, we finally started hearing Kaitlynn move, but she wasn't awake. I told Kelly I thought she needed to eat some since this was the first time we tried the formula. It had been about 6-7 hours that she had slept so I thought she needed to eat :) We got her up, she took breast milk, then we both curled up on the couch and slept until 7:30am.

Back to Tuesday...... the rest of our evening went well - we had new shows on again :) NCIS & NCIS - L.A.

How many girls does Kelly have tonight??
One more look?? Look below........

Willa Grace.......

Wednesday..... I felt so good this morning after such a great nights sleep! Even though I was a bit nervous twice during the night since Kaitlynn slept so long, I still enjoyed the rest. We're planning on trying the formula again tonight around her 10:00/11:00 feeding.

My mom got into town around 11:30am. She's able to stay until mid-afternoon tomorrow. She has to head back to Greenville to keep Elizabeth Friday morning - Saturday afternoon! My brother and his wife are heading out of town for their much deserved 2-year anniversary trip!

Nana Watson & Kaitlynn - 5 weeks old & sound asleep!

My mom brought with her a different swing for me to try with Kaitlynn. We've tried ours, but it doesn't satisfy her at all which makes the day hard on both Kelly & I. My mom brought us a Cradle Swing and Kaitlynn used it this afternoon for 2 hours! It was wonderful - I was able to fix & eat my lunch, and clean up our bedroom..... pure bliss!

Kaitlynn & her new swing.....
The Cradle Swing

Staring at the birds above :)

After a couple hours were spent sleeping in her new swing, we had some play time which ended up being a little bit TOO much play time.... AKA: Kaitlynn was over-stimulated! We had an extremely long afternoon/night with our daughter after a full hour of play time. She didn't eat well and fought her nap time. We finally got Kaitlynn down around 1:00am this morning.... again, long night! We are definitely going to limit her play time, especially in her brightly colored Play Place for the time being.

Nana Watson & Kaitlynn playing in her Play Place

To end the week on a good note, I had my doctor's appointment this morning (Thursday 9-23-09) and it went very well. I was planning on taking Kaitlynn with me, but we got her to sleep in the swing around 7:30am and I didn't want to wake her just to go to my doctor! My mom ended up staying at the house with her while I was gone. Everything checked out great at the doctor's office - she did tell me to wait one more week on working out. I cannot believe it's been 5 weeks already! I cannot wait for next weekend when I can start the process of running again :) Stress relief....here you come! I also found out I had dropped a few more preggo pounds. I am now down to needing to loose 5 lbs. until I reach my pre-pregnancy weight. Not too shabby! I am hoping to loose a few more than just 5 lbs. once I start working out again :) But, I'll take what I can get! My incision is healing great and is starting to look more like a scar verses a cut.

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