...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gotta Love Growth Spurts!

Kaitlynn is 6 weeks today!

Kaitlynn decided that this week she would experience her 2nd exciting growth spurt! However, it's not as exciting for Kelly and I. Since Wednesday 9-23-09 (three days so far) she has wanted to eat more often, but not necessary as much each feeding. Sometimes Kaitlynn would eat a full feeding (around 2.5 ounces) and sometimes she'd only eat 1 ounce. She would eat 2-3 feedings back to back around an hour apart, and then last for about 3-4 hours before her next feeding. Growth spurts also bring lack of sleep & excessive fussiness. Lack of sleep comes from the increased amount of feedings = no time to sleep. Wednesday night (9-23-09) Kaitlynn was fussy from 4:00pm - 1:00am, Thursday night (9-24-09) she was fussy from about 7:00pm - 1:00am, and then last night (Friday 9-25-09) she wasn't fussy at all thank goodness! She actually had three extremely good naps yesterday (Friday 9-25-09) and ate well too. She slept well through the night - was up about every 3-4 hours to eat, but went back to sleep immediately. Hopefully we're on the down hill of the growth spurt and can get back to a little bit of consistency.

Kelly took yesterday (Friday) off from work which was wonderful! It worked out well since we had a tough time getting Kaitlynn down until 1:00am Friday morning anyways. Yesterday we headed out to start looking at treadmills. Kelly & I decided to buy a treadmill for Christmas this year since working out is something that is important to both of us. Having the ability to work out at home is definitely much easier for us at this point than getting to the gym. We also stopped by Fuddruckers for lunch around 2:00pm.... Kaitlynn did great the entire time we were out! Friday evening was spent enjoying a movie in the comfort of our home while our daughter decided to sleep :) It was nice to have a "date" with Kelly out of complete randomness. We ended up renting Ghost of Girlfriend's Past (?) - very good movie!!

Saturday - football day.... plus it decided to rain - AGAIN - all day which led to streets in our area flooding - AGAIN. Of course it wasn't nearly as bad as early this week, but it still made for a gross Saturday. We stayed at home and spent the day relaxing inside with our two precious girls.

Sunday we packed up the car with our two girls and headed to Hayesville, NC for our first day trip. We were able to spend the afternoon with Kelly's parents, siblings, nieces, and his grandmother. It was quite a relaxing afternoon and absolutely wonderful getting out of the house! We arrived around 12:00 and stayed until about 5:00pm before hitting the road for Atlanta. Kaitlynn did great with her first car trip - she slept on the way up, waking once to eat & have her diaper changed. On the way home she slept the entire way. We thought we would have to stop because she started getting a bit fussy, but she was able to calm herself down within 10 minutes and get back to sleep! YES! We made it home within 2 hours like normal, grabbed dinner from Taco Bell, and watched more football. :::::::::I decided to hit the sack a bit early - around 8:45pm:::::::::

Kelly changing a diaper on our way up to Hayesville

Willa Grace making sure Kelly does a good job :)

My turn! Feeding Kaitlynn some food :)

Kelly's grandmother - Nanny with Kaitlynn

Aunt Kelly & Kaitlynn
*I think someone misses the infant stage*

Morgan & Madison with their cousin - baby Kaitlynn

Morgan's goal was to "feed" Kaitlynn while she was in Hayesville

Monday was spent at our pediatrician ALL day. Our appointment was at 1:30pm and we didn't leave until 3:00pm!! I felt terrible keeping Kelly from work for 2.5 hours, but it was nice being with him and our daughter :) Kaitlynn checked out great for her 1 month appointment - 11 days late because of the floods! She is 20 inches in length (20th percentile), 8lbs 7oz. (25th percentile), and her head measured at 38cm (10th percentile) - this should not come to any surprise with how small she was at birth! BUT, our daughter is healthy and is growing which means mommy & daddy are very happy. We go back in 3 weeks for her 2 month appointment on Monday, October 19th. I am guessing she'll be over the 9lb. mark by then!

We are now officially in ONE diapers! Kaitlynn is still able to wear a lot of her newborn clothes though which is nice! I'm looking forward to her moving into the 0-3 month size since they are all different outfits!

Kaitlynn LOVES to lay on her back!

Willa Grace had to lay next to Kaitlynn!!

Willa Grace loves laying next to Kaitlynn!

Hanging out with my baby girl!

I think Kaitlynn has finally pushed herself through this recent growth spurt. Last night (Monday night) she ate around 10:30pm and didn't eat again until 4:00am this morning! She went back to sleep until 7:30am. She seems to eat a little bit less during the morning time, but kicks back into gear and eats around 2-2.5 ounces during the afternoon/evenings hours. I've noticed a pattern with her - in the mornings she'll eat around 1.5-2 ounces every 2 hours right now, but in the afternoon/evening she'll eat more about every 3 hours. Overnight is great since she can last a lot longer these days! We're hoping by her next appointment she's eating a little bit more and lasting 3-4 hours between feedings. That is our PED's goal for Kaitlynn anyways! One thing I have realized with Kaitlynn.... she does have a mind of her own and will do what she wants to do :) She is SO much like her daddy.....and mommy too!! I figure that with a little help, she'll work herself into eating more & less frequent as she continues putting on more weight. Again.... she's only 8lbs. 7oz. and that is a normal weight for a newborn baby - day 0 - and Kaitlynn is that weight at almost 6 weeks. Fingers crossed and many prayers that by 2 months we'll have ventured into a few less feedings :)

Today (Tuesday) was a great day! Kaitlynn again ate at 7:30am....we played for a while, and then she napped in her craddle swing until she ate at 9:30am (both times she only took 1.5 ounces). After her 9:30am feeding, she fell right to sleep. I had all intentions of taking the girls walking with the gorgeous weather, but didn't want to disturb Kaitlynn's sleep time! Her nap time was great - she slept about 2 hours which I'm sure was much needed! She woke up....with a little help from Willa Grace.....just in time for Kelly to come in for lunch. Usually she's asleep during lunch time, but today she was awake for him to get some daddy/daughter time! What a great break from his work day!! After Kelly headed back to work for the afternoon, I decided to take the girls on a walk since it was such a nice afternoon! There were absolutely no clouds today and the sky was SO blue! What a gorgeous day and a huge blessing from God after the past week of insane rain we've had! After our walk, I got Willa upstairs and then Kaitlynn & I headed out to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and Wendy's for one of their Twisted Frosty's! Once we got home, Kaitlynn spent the afternoon sleeping/dozing in her swing until her 3:30pm feeding!

Once Kelly got home from work and was able to run outside, I headed back to Walgreens to get reimbursed for the prescription I got. My doctor called in a new birth control, but it was NAME BRAND = expensive. However, I did recieve a card that allows me to get this birth control for no more than $24.00 a month. So, I ended up only paying $24.00 instead of $50. I also called my doctor and asked them to change my birth control once again to my old brand since I know my insurance covers it = $10.00 a month. Much better than $50.00 a month! I'll be heading BACK to Walgreens tomorrow to get my new pills.

**Our BIG accomplishment today - Kaitlynn now takes the pacifier!!**

Her 1st pacifier time lasted 30 minutes straight!
Let's just say mommy & daddy were VERY proud and excited!

And we're asleep..... score!

Willa Grace got in on nap time too!
I wonder what she would do with a pacifier??

Wednesday morning was spent at my church! Kelly's alarm went off this morning at 7:20am - I usually am up before this grabbing a shower and getting ready for the day, however I ended up sleeping until his alarm. Kelly stayed home long enough for me to get ready & take Willa outside to make sure I would be able to go to my bible study for the 1st time with Kaitlynn. After he left for work around 8:15am, I spent the next 45 minutes eating breakfast and getting everything ready to leave and be at the church for the morning. Kaitlynn slept until I put her in the car seat at 9:00am.

She did great at my bible study - The Mother's Club - perfect name! We have about 20 ladies or so that are in the bible study - all of them with children. There were about 5 ladies this morning that had their newborn/infants with them in the study so I felt right at home. Kaitlynn did great! She slept from 9:30-10:30 in her car seat, woke to eat & have her diaper changed, then fell asleep in my arms until 11:30am. She woke up long enough for me to get her back into the car seat - she stayed asleep on the drive home, while we walked Willa and during my lunch time. She actually didn't wake up until 1:15pm when she was ready to eat! Again, she did AMAZING - a lot better than I had expected! A few of you knew how nervous I was about this outing for the 1st time, but now that I've done it, I am looking forward to taking Kaitlynn each week for my bible study.

Kaitlynn had some good "awake" time with me today - she was awake from about 1:15pm - 4:30pm. Hopefully she'll have one more good "awake" session and can fall asleep easily around 9:00/10:00 tonight instead of fighting sleep until midnight like she has done the past few nights. We'll see!

Kaitlynn loves stretching!!
*This is her FIRST 0-3 month shirt!
Still a little big, but it's too cute! The pants are still newborn!*

Caught in the midst of "talking" - Love it!

Willa Grace needed some "up close & personal" attention with the camera!

We headed over to Chris & Angi's house tonight for dinner. They cooked us pork chops and the company was great as ever. It was good to see both of them plus Jackson!! He is attempting to crawl these days which is adorable. I cannot believe he's 8 months in just a couple weeks - October 17th! Hard to believe we visited them in the hospital almost 8 months ago when he was born. Time sure does fly by so quickly!

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