...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Only 7oz.?? Wow!

November 12th, 2009:
Kaitlynn is 12 weeks old
My dad's birthday

It's hard to believe that this time next week (November 20th), Kaitlynn will be 3 months old! This new weeks with our daughter started out fabulous!! Kaitlynn took a 2.5 hour morning nap before we headed to lunch with Angi & Janet. It was wonderful to get out of the house and have lunch with two great women! Kaitlynn did well and enjoyed the company too :) However, she got a little tired over lunch and passed out in my lap. Check it out!

Once Kelly came in from work, we spent some time relaxing, cooking dinner, and working out on our treadmill. Here are a few updated pictures of our family!

Our baby girl!

Kelly and our baby girl!

Willa Grace loves to lay on pillows!!

Kaitlynn doesn't lay on our chest much these days.
Kelly was in HEAVEN!

Friday was one of our "abnormal" days! I put Kaitlynn down for her morning nap, which lasted 20 minutes. Thirty minutes later, I put her down again for it to only last 30 minutes! Let's just say, Friday evening was a LONG evening. I don't think I can say it enough.... her morning nap does wonders for her attitude and how she feels the rest of the day! I contemplated going to the MOMS club meeting since Kaitlynn didn't get her nap this morning, but I decided to go anyways! It was our first time going to the monthly meeting at Smyrna First Baptist Church. There were 7 ladies at this particular monthly meeting and all of them were extremely nice. Smyrna Fire Department came to the meeting for an Infant/Child CPR refresher! Since I had Kaitlynn with me, and just took the Infant CPR course with Northside Hospital, I just sat back and listened. It worked out well since Kaitlynn took a nap while we were there..... in my lap!

My dad was able to stop by this afternoon as well. It had been several weeks since we had seen him - schedule conflicts pretty much! He picked right back up on the grandpa role as soon as he walked through the door. Kaitlynn was in her play-place played, so my dad got down on the floor and just talked to her for a while. It was precious! He had some time where he got to hold her as well as take her for a walk around our complex! It was a beautiful day, so it was nice to get outside with my dad, Kaitlynn, & Willa Grace. After my dad left, I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to help Kaitlynn to rest since she missed out on her morning nap. She was pretty good for the most part until 5:00pm hit. That must be the "witches" hour, because that's exactly when she got extremely fussy. Thankfully, Kelly was able to get her down in her crib around 7:30pm. She is doing GREAT these days with her night-time sleep. She ate around 7:00pm, went down by 7:30pm... slept until 1:00am (that's 6 hours between feedings!).... slept until 4:30am (4.5 hours between feedings), then slept until 7:30am Saturday morning! Again, she has the night-time thing down great!

Time with Grandpa Watson

Outside for a stroll with Grandpa Watson

Once my dad took Kaitlynn back inside, I went with Willa Grace
around the complex one more time. She found this small scarecrow that
she was terrified of.... I made her attempt to get close again while I
tried to snap a picture :)

Saturday morning started off well. Kaitlynn was up around 7:30am, went down for her morning nap around 8:45am - stayed asleep for 40 minutes, was up for 10 minutes, and went back down for 30 minutes. When she has an "off" day and doesn't nap, it usually takes a day or so to get back into the swing of things. She definitely napped much better this morning than yesterday, so we're moving in the right direction! Thankfully.... we tried Kaitlynn's nap again around 12:30pm. She ended up sleeping for 2 hours! Hopefully we'll be back on track tomorrow with her morning nap.
Saturday afternoon it was absolutely gorgeous outside. After Kaitlynn woke up, we headed to the Taylor-Brawner Park across the street from our home. This was Kaitlynn's first trip to the park! It's a great park for kids - very spacious. There were lots of children running around, parents spending time together, and dogs playing with their owners. We did take Willa Grace with us as well. I have no idea how many light posts she stopped to sniff during our stroll through the park. I think that was the main "bathroom" stop for most dogs! HA!

Sunday was a very restful day! It was also Kaitlynn's first time wearing a bow in her hair! I know both grandmother's are very proud of this big moment :) After many questions of why I haven't found any bows yet, I found some at Target that work perfect in her hair! Everyone should be proud - with as much hair as Kaitlynn has, she now has bows to accessorize. Before Jenny McNair came to our home to take some extra pictures of Kaitlynn, we headed to lunch at Zucca. It's one of the restaurants at the famous Smyrna Market Village. We were able to sit outside and eat for the first time with Kaitlynn. There was plenty of shaded areas to keep the sun out of her face! We couldn't resist being outside with how beautiful the day turned out to be. The rest of our day before and after Kaitlynn's photo-shoot at the house, was spent watching football - does that surprise anyone?? :)

My mom came into town on Monday around 11:00am! I was trying to get Kaitlynn down all morning long for her nap..... she finally slept in her crib for about 45 minutes around noon. Thank goodness! For some reason, the past few days, our daughter has had a small appetite, and a lack of morning naps! We are working with her until she gets back into the swing of things! Persistence!
I headed out once Kaitlynn was down to pick up lunch for my mom and I. It was pretty funny - I ran into Kelly and some of his co-workers at US Cafe! I was completely shocked when I walked in and saw my husband eating lunch. It was so weird! It was very good to see him though.
After lunch, we headed to the Taylor-Brawner Park across the street. It was so beautiful outside that we took Willa and Kaitlynn to the park for about an hour.
They even had a dog fountain at the park!!

Tuesday proved to be a much better day for Kaitlynn! First of all, she went 8 hoursbetween her first night time feedings last night! She ate at 7:00pm, went to bed at 8:00pm and didn't get up until 3:00am - we have to note, this was NOT her rice cereal bottle either, just our baby girl's tummy holding out for us so we could get lots of sleep :) Once she woke up at 3:00am, we knew she would be hungry so that was when we added rice cereal to her bottle - to give her a little extra on her tummy. She then went from 3:00am-6:30am before she was up for the morning!
We decided to try waiting a bit longer this morning before putting her down for her morning nap. Since she has started sleeping anywhere from 5-8 hours the first part of the night, we thought she might not be tired as quickly after getting up in the morning! We kept things very calm, non-stimulating this morning - laid her on the couch so she could kick, stretch, and "coo" a bit. She finally went down in her crib for her morning nap at 8:00am and slept for an hour! We were so proud of her. We'll definitely try waiting a bit longer in the mornings before putting her back down to see if that's the reason she's missed her nap the past few days.
Anyone else proud of our baby girl for the 8-hours that she went between her 1st night-time feedings?? WOW!
Kelly was so proud of our baby girl! I couldn't resist
a picture before he left for work!

After being up for about 1.5 hours this morning, she was ready for a short cat nap. We let her sleep a bit before heading out and running a few errands this morning.
Diaper change at Publix with Nanabug,
and trying out our baby carrier!!

We were planning on taking Kaitlynn to the PED this afternoon solely for a weigh-in so I'd know how much she has gained over the past month. Well, we ended up calling in for an appointment - Kaitlynn was having a few small issues that we'll keep in the "hush-hush." We had an appointment with Dr. Hassel at 1:45pm - things checked out fine and we got her stats......

Weight - 10lbs. 7oz.
Height - 22.8 inches

Now.... I am sure some of you are just as surprised as I am..... a month ago, Kaitlynn weight 10lbs. and was 21.6 inches long. A month later, today, she weighed only 7oz. more, but grew a good bit in length! She told us that her growth was completely normal with her charts - being around the 20-25% for weight and height. We do have a VERY active daughter, which is where all of her calories are being used instead of being stored as fat! We got great news that she's doing well developmentally, which made me thrilled. Can't wait to see how quickly she picks up on new things over these next months!
Dr. Hassel did ask how much formula Kaitlynn was taking - I simply told her anywhere from 2-3oz. per feeding. I found out that she's a "snacker" and a "cat napper." Oh the joys of an active 3-month old! :) She explained to me that it's VERY normal for babies to be snackers, and cat nappers. As long as they're resting, eating, and growing - things are good! Every baby is different and that's all we need to keep in mind. However, she did suggest that we stop giving Kaitlynn rice cereal. It isn't helping extend her night-time sleep.... she's doing that on formula alone. She mentioned that adding rice cereal can affect the amount she eats during the day because the cereal expands and takes up so much space in her tummy. So, we're stopping the rice cereal to give Kaitlynn a chance to pick up her eating habits with just the formula alone! Can't wait to see what this trial & error game does for our daughter!
At the Pediatrician - smiling at Dr. Hassel!

My mom headed out around 10:30am Wednesday morning. We're looking forward to seeing her again, and the rest of my family, next week for Thanksgiving! Once my mom left, Kaitlynn and I headed out as well. We had our first playgroup date with Little Tikes - part of MOMS Club. There are 4 women with babies until 1-year. It was so nice getting together with them! Always nice to get out of the house for a little bit!! I'm looking forward to our weekly playgroup together and other chances to spend time with other moms!
Wednesday afternoon was spent playing, and nap-taking. Kaitlynn still only lasts about an hour during wake-time! She goes down for a nap in her crib anywhere from 30 minutes - 1 hour during the afternoon/evening hours. She's such a squirmy booger that she wears herself out pretty quickly! She ended up taking three seperate 45-minute naps in her crib in the afternoon!
Wednesday night, I headed out for MOMS Night Out with some of the ladies in our MOMS Club. We met at Muss & Turner's for dinner and drinks. It was wonderful going out with other moms to socialize without our children. As much as we all love doing things with our babies, it's great getting together with other adult women without them every now and then! I have to admit.... I felt a little guilty getting out of the house on a weeknight and leaving Kelly & Kaitlynn at home.... BUT, Kelly insisted and I was looking forward to going, so I went and had such a good time! A huge thanks goes out to my wonderful husband!

An update on eating without the cereal??
Wednesday was also our first full day off of rice cereal. Her formula feedings picked up again - each meal since late Tuesday night she has taken between 3 - 3.5oz. Exactly what we wanted to see happen! We're definitely sticking with just formula for a good while these days.

Routine Update??
One thing we're learning is that routines always change! The main thing is to be consistent with how you handle things. Kaitlynn has been sleeping more at one time during the evening hours, which has started postponing her morning nap. We were putting her down about 30-40 minutes after she woke up, but now it's more around 1 hour - 1.25 hours that she goes back down. We just continue to watch for her sleepy signs and then quickly get to the nursery, calm her down if fussy, rock her for about 10 minutes and then put her in the crib! While she is awake in the morning before her morning nap, we still keep things very calm and non-stimulating - we simply let her lay on her back, talk to her, and let her wiggle a little bit. That's pretty much all she does until after she has her morning nap! Again, consistency - our process hasn't changed, just the time frame!
She's doing much better about taking her cat naps in the crib! She is still only awake for about 1 hour - 1.25 hours before she starts getting sleepy. We have started taking her into the nursery during every nap session, calming her down, rocking her for 10 minutes or so and then get her into the crib. Her cat naps will range anywhere from 30 minutes - 1 hour at a time. I'll take what I can get - I am just so excited that we're able to get her down in the crib! That has been one of our biggest goals and we seem to have gotten Kaitlynn adjusted to it!

A few of Kaitlynn's FAVORITES right now?? She loves morning time with daddy before he leaves for work..... loves to play in her playplace and to be in her swing! She's beginning to learn to enjoy her bouncer!! She loves to bounce on our knees.... to "coo" back and forth with us....to "laugh".....to sit in our lap with her back against us so she can see everything.... to lay on the couch and stretch..... to lay on her back and kick..... and to eat her hands!

Lastly..... does anyone else think this holiday season has come a bit quick this year?? Maybe for Kelly and I it seems that way since we were pregnant, and had a baby! The past three months for us have been such a blur. Kelly and I have yet to start any of the famous "Christmas" shopping! I guess that is mostly my job since I'm at home :) We have spent some time thinking about how we'd like to celebrate Christmas amongst ourselves though!! In a few weeks, I'll let everyone in on what we're doing special this holiday season! We're so excited about it.

Looking forward to....
Tomorrow - Kaitlynn turns 3-months!
This weekend - Thanksgiving in Hayesville
Monday - playdate with old Sweet Apple ES co-workers
Wednesday - MOMS playgroup
Thursday - head to Greenville for Thanksgiving

Until next week........

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