...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Crazy, Busy Week

This week started off pretty low-key and worked it's way into a busy schedule!

Thursday, Kaitlynn and I spent the day at home - spending a lot of time outside walking, and a lot of time on the couch for her cat naps! She has continued doing an excellent job taking a morning nap, allowing me to have a morning quiet time, do some house work, and catch up on some emails. Although, she has been doing something weird the past few mornings - I think tied to her cold. She has been waking up around 4:30/5:00am, wide awake and taking about 30 minutes - 1 hour to get back down. Most of the time we have just been putting her back down in her cradle swing. With her congestion, it allows her to rest upright verses laying down, since she lays flat on her back all night in the crib. Hopefully this early morning wake up call is part of her cold and will go away in a few days as she starts recooping! Fingers crossed!

Even though Kaitlynn has thrown us for a loop with the early morning wake up call and her 1st cold, she is still going down for bed around 9:00pm. However, Thursday evening she went down at 8:00pm! As hard as we try keeping her awake, she is SO tired by 7:30pm. The past two weeks, we have decided to just let her sleep when she's tired. It's either sleep, or a fussy baby wanting to sleep! She normally sleeps from 7:30pm-9:00pm in Kelly's lap, then eats and goes down in her crib until around 7:30am (of course waking up to eat!). That is why I think her wake-up call at 5:00am has something to do with her cold..... because she didn't start it until we noticed her congestion increasing and her cough starting!

Kaitlynn's beautiful smile!!

Bonding time.....

Friday was another 1st for Kaitlynn and I. After her very EARLY morning nap: 7:00am- 9:00am , we headed to our first MOMS club meetings. MOMS - Moms Offering Moms Support - the East Smyrna group meets at Smyrna First Baptist once a month on Fridays at 11:00am. Perfect timing with Kaitlynn having a morning nap these days!! I'm starting to learn to do things after she gets her nap. She can cat nap anywhere, but getting her long, well-rested morning nap makes for a much happier baby during the rest of the day!! When we got to the church, we found out that unfortunately the meeting was not until next Friday! Several ladies were there, but we all just headed home. I came home wanting to get Kaitlynn to rest as much as possible.
Why?? Read below......

Rest = Success!

Where's Willa??

There she is!!

Kaitlynn showing off some leg during one of her naps!

Friday afternoon, Jenny McNair was planning on coming by to take a few more pictures of Kaitlynn, but because of the lovely ATL traffic, we had to postpone her additional visit until next weekend! She did such a great job working with her last week that we are thrilled that she wants to come back out and get some more! She put a few up on her website-Jenny McNair Photography
We cannot wait to see the rest of Kaitlynn's pictures!!

Kelly surprised me today and came home from work early! Unfortunately it was mainly because he wasn't feeling great towards the end of his work day. But, I was still so very happy to see him, as was Kaitlynn - check out the photos below! After he took some medicine and sat down for a few minutes, we took the girls out for a walk!

Kaitlynn is smiling at her daddy!!
She loves having him at home :)

Free Information!! Our home is for SALE :)

Kelly pushing Kaitlynn's stroller!

Beautiful fall leaves!!

By the way..... remember those gorgeous roses I told you that Kelly brought home to me last week on Monday?? Check out some pictures! They were beautiful as always...........

Saturday turned into one very interesting day! It started off quite early for us because we were having our house shown at 10:30am. Kaitlynn woke up around 7:30am, which meant we would try and put her down around 8:30am for her morning nap. That nap never happened...... she was one tough cookie all morning! Kelly and I decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to take Kaitlynn with us to look at homes since she hadn't had her morning nap. He ended up staying home with her while I went with Angi to look at homes! It was a great afternoon, we spent 4 hours looking at about 6-7 different homes. We were able to cross some off our list and keep some for later looking. Kelly & I can't get serious until our condo sells, but it's definitely nice having some that we're considering in case they're still available when our home sells.

Sunday morning came very early! I decided to make a quiet getaway to Greenville for the day - I actually ended up staying the night too! I left around 7:30am after Kaitlynn ate her morning meal so that she would take her morning nap on the way in. She did great! She only woke up twice, but was able to put herself back to sleep within 10 minutes. If only she would do that outside of the car seat! HAHA. My trip to Greenville with Kaitlynn & Willa Grace was wonderful. I explained to my mom that I didn't want to let anyone know of my visit because I was very anxious and nervous about traveling alone with Kaitlynn for the first time. I was also worried about Kaitlynn's routine not being consistent since we would be away from home. With the trip down being successful, I called Blythe - another friend who made a quiet trip to Greenville, and my brother - Mark to let them know of us being in town! My mom and I headed to Jan's house - Blythe's mom - to visit with her, Blythe, & the little Mr. Hendrix - precious! It was wonderful being able to spend some time with Blythe and catch up on life. Hendrix is so handsome and truly has the longest arms & fingers I have ever seen! :) Him and Kaitlynn became BFF's while we were there for a few hours! They already cannot wait to see each other again!
**One of the best things that happened - Kaitlynn stayed on her routine at Blythe's and took an hour-long nap in her nana's arms! Sweet!**
After our nice visit with Jan, Blythe, and Hendrix - mom & I packed up Kaitlynn and headed back to her house to relax. We spent some time outside with Willa and Kaitlynn before Mark, Bridgette, and Elizabeth came over! They were able to spend a few hours at the house and have dinner with us. It's always so nice being able to see them and spend some time with my niece, Elizabeth - I don't get to do that enough! She's starting to learn to sit up :) So cute! And, she's blowing tons of bubbles and making a "zoom" noise with her mouth! Love her! Kaitlynn did great while we had our second round of visitors - she took two more 45-minute naps while they were at the house!!

After they left, it was around 7:00pm and I told my mom we needed to feed Kaitlynn and work on getting her down to sleep for the night. She ended up going down a lot easier than expected! I was very nervous about spending the night and her not sleeping much at all. I made sure to take her humdifier, and heat spacer with me - the noise seems to do wonders for her sleep! She ended up doing a great job - Kaitlynn was down in the crib by 8:30pm. She slept even better over night than I thought as well. Go Kaitlynn!!
We headed out around 8:30am, another early morning start, to allow her to have her nap on the way home! We ended up stopping in Commerce for a quick diaper change, but that didn't seem to startle her sleep. Thank goodness!
Overall, Kaitlynn's first overnight trip was extremely successful. We're looking forward to many more overnight trips to her Nanabug's house in Greenville and to her Nana & Papa's house in Hayesville! We'll just make sure to take the humdifier for noise :)

Here are some pictures from our getaway trip:

Kaitlynn staring at Blythe!

Blythe & I with our precious babies!!
Hendrix - 2.5 weeks old
Kaitlynn - 2.5 months old!

Hendrix has the LONGEST arms and hands I have ever seen!

Uncle Mark and Aunt Bridgette stopped
by for a visit with Kaitlynn!!

Elizabeth passed out on the bed!

Time with Nanabug
*Right before one of Kaitlynn's 45-minute naps!*

She's finally learning to keep the paci in her mouth
without anyone helping!

*Precious cousins*
Kaitlynn - 2.5 months
Elizabeth - almost 4 months

Kaitlynn's first baby doll from her Nanabug!

Kaitlynn's routine you ask?? It looks something like this on a daily basis.....

7:30/8:00am - wake up!
8:00 - 9:00am - meal time and back time -
very little stimulation to keep drowsy for morning nap
8:30/9:00am - Nap time for 1.5-2 hours!

After nap time, Kaitlynn usually will take 30-45 minute naps ever 1-1.5 hours of awake time. I spend my time watching for her signals such as yawning to start working on getting her drowsy. It's much more enjoyable to work on getting her into a nap before the fussiness starts!
During wake time we have lots of back time - on the couch, on the floor, in her play place solely because I have to hold her during her afternoon naps. She hasn't moved into a long, consecutive afternoon nap. If we are not doing back time, we're usually outside walking!!
Her routine is not based on a timed schedule - when she wakes up in the morning, that's when her routine starts. If she's up at 7:00am, her nap is usually around 8:00am..... If she wakes up at 8:00am, her nap is around 9:00am. I have noticed that she cannot handle much more than 1-1.5 hours of awake time before a nap is needed for rest. Otherwise she tends to get a little cranky :) What do I do on days that I have things planned you ask??
If I go out with Kaitlynn, I try to only mess up one of her naps! I usually am only gone for about 2 hours, maybe 3 at most to make sure she does sleep after we get home if she hasn't slept while we've been out of the house. If we're out, she usually can put herself to sleep in her car seat. If we're at a play date, I am able to put her to sleep myself once she's tired.
Our main priority during the day is to watch for sleepy signs to make sure she gets the rest she needs. Pretty simple routine if you ask me! Nothing strict or set in stone based on time, but very consistent in what we do!! Some days are definitely tough, but sticking with her routine and being consistent is worth it in the long run because we have a very happy baby girl. Of course there are always those days here and there that are just completely unexpected :) Every mom & dad know about those unexpected days!!

Kaitlynn has been doing lots of exciting new things lately!! One that I find very amusing - she doesn't only bring her hands to her mouth when she's hungry, but she does it ALL the time now. She actually tries to shove her hand, if not both hands, into her mouth at the same time. She loves to suck on them!! It's too cute to watch :)
She also has great control over her neck. Whenever I am holding her against my shoulder, she keeps her back straight and holds her head high! We are so proud of our growing baby girl.
One of her favorite things to do is to sit with her back against Kelly & I so she can look at everything around her. We're planning on getting her used to the baby carrier now since she has pretty good control over her neck. Hopefully that'll allow me to do a few things with her during the day while she's awake :) We'll see!!
She has also started her own version of laughing! It's absolutely precious. She does it mostly in the mornings after she has gotten up from her night time sleep, morning nap, or any short afternoon nap. She's always very happy after she rests!
The biggest news - the past week, Kaitlynn has eaten her dinner meal around 7:00/8:00pm and hasn't cried for a meal until 1:00/2:00am. Kaitlynn usually goes down for bed around 9:00pm, which gives her about 4-5 hours of rest before eating. She always seems to amaze us everyday with something new!!

I couldn't have asked for a better surprise from my husband - Kelly came home from work at lunch to let me take a break from my day and run on our treadmill. During his time home he told me that Wednesday was a bank holiday - he would be home!! As much as I enjoy my quality time with Kaitlynn & Willa during the work week, it's so much fun when our whole family is together. It's never complete until Kelly is home for the day! Wednesday was such a relaxing day for all of us. It was another gloomy, rainy day - but we enjoyed every minute of it. I was so thankful to have that time with him, our daughter, and our precious Willa Grace.
The day started off with a wonderful surprise from our daughter. She decided to take her 1.5 hour morning nap in her crib today!! Prior to nap time, I darkened her room like night time, turned on her humidifier for noise, and placed a few rolled towels in her crib to make the space seem smaller and a bit more cozy - thanks Jan for the idea!! She did a great job - took her morning nap from
8:30am - 10:00am!! During the time, Kelly headed out to get his hair cut, and came home with a surprise breakfast - a chocolate doughnut for me and a maple doughnut for himself! YUM! We ended up venturing out once the rain stopped for a Target trip, lunch at Willies, and Kaitlynn's first grocery store trip!

Kaitlynn finally passed out in Publix!
Had to get a picture of her first trip :)

Kaitlynn stayed awake for the majority of our time out today! She finally started to fall asleep in Publix and on our way home. We were able to get her into the crib but about 10 minutes before she woke and started crying. It was time for her to eat, so we ended up feeding her, and Kelly was able to put her down in the CRIB again for another nap!!
Kelly finally had a doctor's appointment today as well around 3:00pm. He headed out while Kaitlynn was still asleep. I was able to enjoy some quiet time this afternoon. Once Kelly came in, we were able to spend the rest of his day off relaxing at home! Such a great day in the middle of his work week.

A few things we have to look forward to......
**This Thursday - lunch with Angi & Janet!
**This Friday - finally, our first MOMS club meeting!
**This Saturday - my massage & facial?? Gotta check in with the hubby!
**This Sunday - more pictures with Jenny McNair
**This Monday - my mom comes into town for a visit!
**Saturday the 21st - Thanksgiving in Hayesville
**Thursday the 26th - Thanksgiving in Greenville


  1. Glad to see you out and about with your baby girl! Once you start making those trips together, you gain more and more confidence about it. But girl, I gotta say, get yourself a sling or wrap! How do you manage to push a stroller around the grocery store? I mean, kudos if you can, but wow- much more difficult than it needs to be. Whenever I have to shop I put Lucy in her sling. Then she usually goes right to sleep- I can even nurse her in it in public and no one can see. In fact, I am able to keep her in the sling, nurse her hands-free, and push the buggy at the same time. Anyways, I swear if you try it (and find one Kaitlynn likes) you'll be hooked. And your photos look awesome- excited to see the rest of the professional ones as they come.

  2. Thanks Emily! HAHA - I wasn't by myself that day at Publix, Kelly was with me. We do have a baby carrier that we use.... or I use when I'm alone :) I definitely try to keep things as simple as possible! Haha.
