...Our amazing life...

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We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Holidays always bring sickness!

Ever since I was young, I always got sick on holidays or any time off from school, college, or work! I guess as hard as I push myself, the time I have to rest leads to illness. Go figure! The past four days (November 16th - 19th) I have yet to sleep well at night. This morning, Friday morning, I woke up with a sore throat after having a consistent headache for 2 straight days! I called our primary doctor, but they wouldn't see me today since I was a "new" patient. Won't I always be new to them until they see me?!?! Anyways.... Kelly came home from work around 3:00pm so I could go to Urgent Care. I didn't want to take Kaitlynn with me - especially since there might be a lot of sick people around in the same small area. Kelly came home and watched our baby girl while I headed off to the doctor. Thankfully what I had was only viral. The doctor I saw at Urgent Care gave me 2 prescriptions, but asked me to wait until after the weekend to fill them. She mentioned that if things continued and didn't get better, that it wasn't just viral.

Friday not only proved to be a "yucky" day for me, but it was also Kaitlynn's 3-month b.day! Kaitlynn experienced a first on this day as well. She slept from 7:30pm - 6:30am without waking up! Around 3:30am when Kaitlynn would have normally gotten up to eat, there was no sound of crying heard..... Me being my normal self, got up and checked on her to make sure everything was okay! Yes, I made sure she was breathing - who wouldn't?! She was sound asleep, so I headed back to bed.... or at least tried - still wasn't feeling well. Anyways, Kelly & I were beside ourselves with excitement when Kaitlynn finally woke up around 6:30am! I wondered what it would feel like to have her sleep an entire evening..... it felt GREAT! Now.... can she do it out of town at Nana & Papa's house?? We'll see!! :)

Getting ready to go to Nana & Papa's house for Thanksgiving!

We packed up and headed to Hayesville early Saturday morning for Thanksgiving! We left around 7:30am so Kaitlynn would sleep on our drive up. She did great and was well-rested for some visiting time with her Nana once we arrived! She did great staying on her routine and everyone helped Kelly & I keep her on her routine! She took several naps in the pack-in-play, and went down for bed around 7:30pm! She ended up sleeping all night again until 6:30am. She was able to have some quality time with her Papa early Sunday morning, and then her Nana put her to sleep for us before we moved her into the pack-in-play.
Backing up a little..... Saturday at noon, we headed over to Kevin & Kelly's home for Madison 7th birthday party! This was Kaitlynn's first birthday party and it went very smoothly! We were able to introduce our daughter to some of Kelly's extended family such as Brian & Amy, and Jason. Laurie had already met Kaitlynn when she came down to Atlanta for a shopping trip with her mom, Penny! The birthday party was a lot of fun and it was great seeing Madison have such a good time with all her friends & family.
Saturday evening, Kevin, Kelly, the girls, and Kristin came over to the house for our Thanksgiving meal. It was fabulous! We had so much good food & dessert :) Unfortunately we didn't get to see Shea this trip as he was out of town! We definitely are looking forward to seeing him over the Christmas holiday!
Sunday morning rolled around and we got Kaitlynn all dressed up for her first church outing! We have wanted to take her to our home church for several weeks now, but things always have come up and we haven't gotten there yet. We have plans to go next Sunday though! Anyways.... our "easy" trip turned into fussing & nap time :) Kaitlynn didn't nap long Sunday morning, which resulted in her needing a nap about 15 minutes after church started! Since we haven't put her in the nursery yet and don't plan on starting until March/April - after flu season - we went and rocked Kaitlynn to sleep ourselves. Thankfully we were able to hear the sermon through speakers in the room!
The weekend was so relaxing and enjoyable! We thoroughly enjoyed our time with family in Hayesville for Thanksgiving!

As we got home, I questioned Kelly as to if he thought Kaitlynn would sleep well after our weekend away! Well, the results are in..... she went down at 8:00pm and slept until 6:45am! This makes 3 nights in-a-row now that she has slept all night long! We're going to get so spoiled to getting the rest we need and then something will change! HAHA. We're definitely so proud of our daughter for this huge accomplishment!

Kaitlynn and I headed over to Andrea's house on Monday to visit with some of my old Sweet Apple co-workers who are all mothers now! It was wonderful seeing Lundy, Michelle, Michelle, and Andrea today! Kaitlynn did great - took a cat nap while we were there. All the kids ran around and played the entire time while the moms visited with Kaitlynn. Everyone loves babies!!
Monday morning & afternoon were the last of my "normal" days for a bit. When Monday evening rolled around, the sickness that I had experience over the past week took a toll for the worse! I was up from 1am-7am Tuesday morning - sick as a dog - in the bathroom! Kelly felt terrible because there was nothing he could do to help me. We both got very little sleep in between my extremely frequent bathroom visits. Thankfully, Kaitlynn slept the entire night again - 8:00pm-7:00am so we didn't have to deal with her during my episodes. Obviously I couldn't take care of Kaitlynn on Tuesday, so Kelly worked from home and took care of our daughter while I slept all day.
Tuesday night rolled around and my fever rose to 100.2 - the highest it's been in years. I forced myself to eat a piece of toast and some jello, took some tylenol and headed to bed around 8:00pm. Thankfully I was able to sleep all night, but Kaitlynn got up twice during the night because of a "stuffy" nose! Kelly was wonderful and got up with her both times - didn't say a word to me so I could sleep.
Wednesday proved to be a much easier day for myself. However, we weren't sure if I was well enough to take care of Kaitlynn all day by myself, so Kelly stayed home again. Since I had a high fever last night, we wanted to give it 24 hours without a fever before I handled Kaitlynn alone. There is no reason to risk anything with a 3-month old!
My dad stopped by to see us, see how I was doing and have some play-time with Kaitlynn. Not feeling her best, she did show her fussy side for him :) but calmed down for a while so he could play with her in her play-place. She finally showed off her cute side with lots of squeals, laughs, and coos. She also showed him how well she's doing at batting objects, and grabbing & holding onto things!
I spent the rest of the day resting as much as possible. We're hoping to get to Greenville tomorrow afternoon to at least spend some time with my mom for a few days if no one else!

We're hoping everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving with family and friends!

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