...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another Month Passing By......

It's hard to believe Kaitlynn turned 2 months old on Tuesday, October 20, 2009! Time really has gone by quickly these past two months for Kelly and I. We can't wait to see what this next month has in store for our family, especially now that it's getting close to the holidays!

Kelly & his two girls

Kaitlynn LOVES her tongue!

Willa Grace

As stated in the previous blog, we got our oven & microwave this past Wednesday. Appliance Smart hooked up our oven for us, but were not able to disconnect anything or take anything
down = Kelly and I had to take down our old microwave and put up our new one. We also got our Treadmill this past Thursday - however we paid Sears a delivery charge which included the set-up fee! Thank goodness! We didn't have to put together the treadmill ourselves - I could only imagine how that would have gone with Kelly and I.

We also got a phone call from our good friend Angi Sklar - big news for some people - our REAL-ESTATE AGENT - that there was interest in our home "behind closed doors." Kelly and I have wanted to put our condo on the market for a while, but wanted to wait until our finances were where they should be, plus we also wanted to see if the market would bounce back. A few weeks ago, we sat down and decided together that it was time to start looking at homes and getting our condo ready to sell. Once we decided that, we talked with Angi - she has been in the real-estate business for a while - and got her opinion on some things we still needed to do to the condo. Her only suggestion was to finish off our already fabulous kitchen :) After working with my dad on our kitchen this past April and getting new cabinets, granite countertops, a new sink, and a stainless refrigerator - she said finishing off the appliances with stainless steel would make it incredible. With that being said, last weekend Kelly and I headed out to look for some inexpensive, name brand, stainless steel appliances - God must have been on our side because that is exactly what we were able to find!

Back to the story..... Angi called Thursday about an interest in our condo and asked us if we'd be ready to show it on SUNDAY. I called Kelly and told him about the situation and that I told Angi, "Absolutely!" We spent Thursday evening, all day Friday & Saturday working on our home - decluttering it, cleaning it from top to bottom to get it ready to show on Sunday! We both are a little bias, but I have to say our condo looks amazing after the past three days! They were exhausting days, but well worth the time we put into it. Angi stopped by on Friday to check out the condo and get some pictures for the flyers & real estate website - she was very impressed. She has been over to our home many times, but this time her jaw definitely dropped! Pictures were taken, paper work was filled out, and the For Sale Signs were put in on Monday! Exciting!

Lots of new things are taking place these days with our family! Update on our new fitness equipment?! We love our treadmill! I ran on it for the first time on Friday - I walked at an incline for 10 minutes, ran at an incline for 15 minutes, and walked at no incline for 5 minutes as my cool down = 30 minutes total! The NordicTrack machines are wonderful - I knew that after purchasing my elliptical, but I have to say..... I am in love with our treadmill. My husband is amazing for buying it for us! It's a great investment since we have little time to get to a gym these days with our little one around the house!

Here are a few pictures of our new toys :)

Our new kitchen additions

Our new Treadmill

Saturday was probably one of the hardest days Kelly and I have experienced with Kaitlynn. That day brought on non-stop crying, refusing some bottles over others - some feedings she'd take 3.5, some feedings she wouldn't take anything - she had trouble sleeping during the day on Saturday..... we decided to finally give her 0.4 dose of infant Tylenol which helped her rest over night Saturday night. Even though I usually don't handle Kaitlynn being fussy all day very well, the main thing that seemed to bother me was not knowing what was wrong with her. I remember early Sunday morning - Kelly was rocking her and I just sat on the guest bed in the nursery and cried. I never realized how tough it would be knowing your child doesn't feel well and not knowing why, what to do, or how to help.......

Sunday proved to be a much better day for our baby girl. She ended up sleeping until 10:30am which gave her some much needed rest! We gave her a total of 2 doses of Tylenol and didn't have to give her any during the day/night on Sunday - thank goodness! Angi called and unfortunately the lady coming to look at our condo canceled for the day. So, since Kaitlynn seemed to be feeling better, we headed to Macaroni Grill for lunch and then walked around Perimeter Mall instead of sitting at home!!

In the ladies bathroom - using the changing table for the second time :)
Kaitlynn was quite relaxed during her diaper change!

Kelly & Kaitlynn - lunchtime for somebody :)

Kristen & Kaitlynn

Smiling for Mommy & Daddy

Even though Kaitlynn showed signs of improvement with how she felt on Sunday, I was still a little anxious and worried! Thankfully we had her 2-month check up on Monday with Dr. Smail. My mom ended up coming down for a visit so she ended up going with me to Kaitlynn's appointment! Today was the day that Kaitlynn got her shots! I had been dreading this day since she was born. Several mom's told me to simply give her Tylenol before taking her for the appointment - well that idea crashed once we spoke to Kaitlynn's PED. She told us no Tylenol before the shots - that giving Tylenol could spike a fever and they wouldn't give her shots if she had a temperature. So..... Kaitlynn received no Tylenol before the shots. I think I was more upset than she was!! Little did I know that she would receive 4 shots in her leg and 1 shot by mouth! She cried with each shot, but I was able to hold her & calm her down after all shots were complete. It was very hard watching her get them - I'm definitely glad they are over!! Unfotunately she gets these same 4 shots again at her 4 month & 6 month appointments. In good news, she was weighed in at 10lbs. and measured at 21.5 inches in length! She is still in the 25th percentile for height and weight. She is also still sleeping 3-4 hours at night between feedings. I talked with her PED about this and found out it is very normal for her size and age to still be having middle-of-the-night feedings. Still being a new mom, it's nice to know I can ask tons of questions about issues I'm not sure about and get answers from those that understand babies!!

All checked out and waiting on her shots! :(

4 Snoopy band-aids!

Our baby girl was a real trooper!

After her appointment was over, mom and I headed back to the house and got Kaitlynn down in her crib - she slept until about 7:00pm! After having a nice dinner at home, mom and I left Kelly at home with Kaitlynn and headed to the mall to shop for some jeans and new running shoes! I found a pair of jeans at Express and I found new running shoes at DSW as well. After shopping for a little while, I was definitely ready to be at home with my baby girl.

The biggest change now was sleeping in the nursery with Kaitlynn. Now that she is sleeping in her crib, anytime that we have family down we both stay in the nursery with her so that we can take care of her over night. Monday night we heard EVERY noise she made! We had gotten used to Kaitlynn sleeping at night when she was in the bassinet, but then we also got used to her sleeping in the crib and not in our bedroom. So, the past two nights were a change, but worth it. I wouldn't change sleeping in there with her with my mom was down for anything! We'll get another dose of nursery sleeping this weekend while Kelly's parents are down!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
*Kaitlynn is 2 months old!*

Tuesday I was able to spend some time outside my house alone - my mom stayed at the house and took care of Kaitlynn. I headed out around 8:30am to Honda to get my oil changed in the car, and then did some shopping at Target. It was nice getting out of the house a little bit, even if it was early in the morning! Kaitlynn took her nap around 11:00am so mom & I waited for her to wake up before we headed out shopping. We stopped by Toys-R-Us, Old Navy, Best Buy and Target all in 2.5 hours!! I didn't find anything for Kaitlynn, but I did find myself some new clothes at Old Navy! That was pretty exciting :)

My mom headed out Wednesday late morning to drive back to Greenville just in time to keep Elizabeth that afternoon! She leaves one granddaughter and heads off to the next :) Oh the life of grandparents..... the joys of spending time with the kids but without the responsibilities of the parents! Kaitlynn and I spent Wednesday relaxing at home - recuperating from a fast pace last few days!

Here are a few pictures from her visit down:

Willa Grace missed her Nana!

Dinner time with Daddy

My precious Willa Grace.....

Afternoon stroll with Nana & the girls

My precious baby girl - already 2 months old!! Hard to believe.....

Special time with Kaitlynn's Nanabug......

Kelly & his baby girl on her 2-month B-day! Precious time.....

Willa Grace - she'll be 2 month's on October 26th!

Other exciting news..... our good friends, Eric & Blythe Royaards had their son, Hendrix Kyle Royaards this morning at 4:42am! They are all doing great and the new parents are overjoyed with happiness. We cannot wait to see both of them, meet their son, and introduce Kaitlynn to Hendrix :) Hopefully over Thanksgiving!!

Hendrix Kyle Royaards
*taken from Eric & Blythe's website*

New things that Kaitlynn is doing.....
She has started "cooing" a lot, smiling at both Kelly and I, keeping her head lifted by herself for short periods of time, and she finally enjoys time to herself during the day!! It's amazing to see how much Kaitlynn is growing and how quickly she's growing. Our daughter is amazing and we're more in love with her today than we were the first day we held her. We cannot wait to see all the new things she learns to do over the next month!

A few things we're looking forward to......
Kelly's parents are coming down for a visit this weekend!! Next weekend we get to dress Kaitlynn up in her Halloween outfit for pictures :) Stay tuned!

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