...Our amazing life...

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We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another week.....more contractions - The End is in Sight!!

38 Weeks!! Only 14 days to our "due date."

Another week has passed with more contractions! Overall the past week has been relaxing and enjoyable for both Kelly and I. This past weekend we really tried to space things out a bit to make sure I got some much needed rest.

Friday evening we went out on a date to one of our favorite "chill" restaurants - La Paz and then headed to Cold Stone Creamery for some ice cream! Everyone can probably guess the ice cream trip was definitely Kelly's idea :) or......maybe mine!! Once we got home from our date, I got my p.j.'s on and hit the couch with my body pillow. I ended up falling asleep around 7:30pm and woke up a little after 10:00pm just long enough to move to the bedroom. I was blessed to have slept until 6:30am Saturday morning. Last week I didn't get much sleep because of the constant visits to the bathroom, contractions + cramping, and indigestion. Yes - my indigestion has decided to show it's ugly face again! Little did I know that Friday was God's way of preparing me for another long, sleepless week!!

Saturday was spent relaxing around our home, running a few errands, and then heading to our Sunday School summer party at the Abernathy's clubhouse. It was great spending a few hours with the couples from our Sunday school class, but I was exhausted afterwards! Before heading home we stopped by Ru San's for dinner - Kelly loves sushi and I enjoy their fried rice & chicken/shrimp options. We also had to make a trip to Walgreens to pick up some more Gaviscon for my indigestion! After we got home, we watched 'We Are Marshall' that we have DVR'd the night before.

We spent Sunday morning at church, had lunch with some of our good friends, then headed home for a nice Sunday afternoon nap! We were planning on fixing some shrimp pasta for dinner, but after waking up shrimp pasta just was not doing the trick for me. Kelly & I headed out to KFC - his choice - for dinner, and then stopped by Dairy Queen for the Girl Scout Blizzard - my choice - for dessert :) I waiting in the car while Kelly went in and got our dessert - I was on the phone catching up with one of my bests, Mary. She's about to take part in a trithalon out in CA. She is doing her trithalon through Teams in Training
to help raise money to stop
leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma. She was about to head out for another practice swim in the Pacific Ocean - all I was wondering about was the sharks?!?! What a trooper!

Monday rolled around quickly and Kelly headed back to work. I'm not a fan of Mondays for that reason, but I get over it pretty quickly! Kelly ended up coming home at lunch because I was not feeling well at all. I felt as though I had a really bad head cold - probably from the lack of sleep I've gotten over the past two weeks. He fixed me a grilled cheese and let me nap in his lap for about 20 minutes before he had to leave and go back to work. Monday night rolled around and so did another "episode" of horrible contractions & menstrual-like cramps. Kelly wanted to get me into the bathtub since that usually seemed to ease the pain, but I couldn't seem to move off the couch. Instead, he got my heating pad, and I took some more tylenol and waiting them out for 20 minutes. As the 20 minutes past, the cramps eased up a little but didn't fully go away this go-around. Kelly fixed me a cup of hot chocolate while we watched another episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, then headed to bed. Thankfully I slept pretty well Monday evening except for the restroom visits every two hours :)

The rest of the week was pretty low-key. I was able to get a few household chores done... a little bit at a time. Monday I did two loads of laundry, Tuesday I vacuumed & went to the grocery store, and Wednesday was supposed to be spent in the bathrooms - my favorite! :) Everyday chores are definitely getting harder because of the contractions & pain, but it was SO good to feel productive!!

Wednesday was a very different day! I headed out to my bible study at church - The Mother's Club from 9:30 - 12:00. Once I got home my contractions kicked in a bit and the pain increased greatly. After an hour of pain & contractions that didn't stop, I called my doctor who told me to head straight to the hospital. I called Kelly, he headed home & picked me up. We ended up staying at the hospital for about 10 hours. They hooked me up to the monitors, gave me several bags of fluids through an IV and started me on some crazy pain meds. By 11:00pm my cervix had done nothing regardless of the contractions (2-3 minutes a part) and the pain I was in. We were asked to stay over night and continue to receive pain meds & fluids, but I chose to head home and sleep in my own bed.

It's Thursday morning - Kelly & I are heading to our doctor's appointment at 9:00am. I'll be sure to post some updates once we return home!!

1 comment:

  1. Little did you know you'd be having the baby THAT day :)
