...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wife, Mother, Nurse?!

This week started off with more cold weather and lots of wind. I'm really starting to wonder if we're still living in the south. I cannot wait for spring & summer!

This week started off pretty crazy. Kelly had his surgery on Tuesday at St. Joseph's. It was scheduled for 1:00pm, but didn't happen until closer to 3:00pm! The doctor working on Kelly was great and only worked on his achilles tendon for an hour. I was very fortunate to have my father-in-law with me at the hospital to help pass the time. Donna stayed at our home to keep Kaitlynn, which was a huge help! Kelly has to be on crutches for 6-8 weeks, and has 3-4 months of PT. I will be driving him to and from work, PT, and anywhere else he needs to go over the next several months. Keep him in your prayers for healing, strength, and patience as he is limited on what he can & cannot do.

While Kelly was laid up on the couch, Willa made sure to keep him company!
*Sorry for the fuzzy pictures - they were taken with the camera phone!*


Because of Kelly's surgery, our weekly activities changed up a bit...... we didn't go to music class Wednesday morning since someone had to be with Kelly for the entire first 24 hours after surgery. We had plans to have playgroup this week, but all the babies had things going on - they just keep our schedules so busy, so we had to cancel for the week! Kaitlynn and I stayed at home and kept Kelly company. Thankfully the weather warmed up as the week went on and we were able to get out and take several walks. We also finally managed to get out of the house for an hour or so to go and spend some time with Amy & Caroline.

With all the cold wind these days, we've had to add an extra hat to keep Kaitlynn warm!
"Ruby" - 10 wks. old
This is a picture of Willa Grace when Kelly picked her
up on the morning of January 1, 2008 - right before he proposed!
Kelly laid up on the couch with both his girls!
Keeping 'DaDa' company during his recovery!
"Nurse Willa"
Kaitlynn's first time in the high chair!
My previous 3rd grade class (2008-2009) gave us her high chair!
Kaitlynn finally loves to snuggle again! Every time I pick her up she lays her head
on my shoulder instantly. I love this age! Her personality is truly shinning.


Regardless of Kelly's situation, we had a pretty eventful weekend! We celebrated Kaitlynn's half-birthday (6 months) by going to the park, giving her some of her favorite foods - sweet potatoes & applesauce, and spending some time with her aunt Kristin & uncle Shea! They were able to stop by for the afternoon on Saturday. It's always great spending time with family! Saturday also proved to be an exciting day because we got our first offer on our condo! We'll see what takes place over this next week!! Definitely be in prayer for our family as things begin to unfold this week! We had all intentions of going to church Sunday morning, but after our eventful day yesterday, we decided to stay at home and rest - especially with Kelly having to start back to work this coming week!

Finally got Kelly out of the house on Friday for a few minutes!
Happy 6-months to our daughter!
We spent Kaitlynn's 6-month at the park!
Kaitlynn's aunt Kristin & uncle Shea came in for a visit!
6-months old!


A few things coming up......
Tomorrow - Kaitlynn's 6-month well visit
This coming weekend - heading to Greenville to spend time with my family
March 12-13 - Kelly & I are getting away for some quality time together!
March 14 - Kaitlynn's dedication at JFBC

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