...Our amazing life...

My photo
We met in June of 2007, dated for 7 months & got engaged - January 1, 2008. We were married on July 26, 2008 and welcomed our daughter, Kaitlynn Leane into the world on August 20, 2009. We said hello & goodbye to our precious son, baby Joshua on December 5, 2011. We are blessed knowing that we'll be with him again one day in Heaven. We also have two sweet beagles, Willa (4) and Sadie (1). God has truly blessed our family in numerous ways! We both have extremely wonderful and loving parents, plus amazing friends! We couldn't be any happier!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Doctor Visits.... Antibiotics & Breathing Treatments.... Holiday Travels...

Today - Thursday, December 17th - turned out to be one very long and emotional roller coaster! Kaitlynn and I had plans to go to our MOMS Playgroup today, but ended up taking a trip to her Pediatrician's office instead!

Kaitlynn has had a common cold for the past month now. Last week, we thought things were on the down side and getting better. However, this week things turned for the worse. Kelly and I thought she was experiencing her next growth spurt - waking up a lot at night, no daytime naps, extra fussy times. We didn't notice anything until today..... Kaitlynn wouldn't eat any of her bottles. I told Kelly that her cough started sounding worse and more like chest congestion for an adult. We made the decision to take her to the doctor. Unfortunately, Kelly was at work - didn't think too much of this visit.... Once our doctor checked Kaitlynn out, she told us that she had an ear infection, bronchiolitis, and was having difficulty breathing. The last part broke my heart and that's when I started crying...... all I could think was, "our daughter is having a hard time breathing??" The doctor explained to me that they would administer a breathing treatment - if it didn't help, we would have to take Kaitlynn to the hospital for an overnight visit. If I wasn't already a basket case, I was at this point.... Thankfully the Lord was protecting our baby girl - the breathing treatment helped tremendously and I was able to bring Kaitlynn home with me! She was put on an antibiotic for the infection, and we were given our own breathing treatment machine to use with her over the next week.

So far.... definitely the worst day we've experienced with our baby girl. We cannot say it enough... it's so hard watching our child get so sick and her not be able to tell us anything! Miserable.

Kaitlynn's breathing treatment - the machine was a Panda Bear!

Before heading out of town for Greenville, Kelly and I called Kaitlyn's pediatrician to double check her condition and to make sure that it was okay for her to be on the road traveling for the holidays. We got the "okay" from her doctor, were told to monitor her temperature, and to call with any questions or concerns over the weekend. After receiving the "approval," we packed up all of our things, and headed to Greenville in 2 cars! We celebrated Christmas with my mom, David, Bonnie, Troy, Mark, Bridgette, & Elizabeth on Saturday morning. It was full of great conversation, lots of laughter, and remembering different memories. At one point, we had all three babies/children down for naps in three separate rooms! Let me say..... QUIET! It was so much fun watching Troy open his gifts and helping Elizabeth & Kaitlynn with theirs. Bridgette and I both cannot wait until they are up walking around next Christmas! Kelly, Kaitlynn and I headed up to my Grandmother June's house - my dad's mom - Saturday afternoon around 3:00pm once Kaitlynn woke up from her 2-hour nap! We spent about 4 hours up there with my grandmother and dad. Mark, Bridgette, Elizabeth, David, Bonnie, and Troy all came up around 4:30pm when the other kiddos woke from their naps. Even though it was one long and exhausting day, it was wonderful spending an entire day with my brothers, their wives & children, my dad & grandmother, and my husband & our daughter. There were definitely lots of laughs!

Unfortunately, even with all the activity, Kaitlynn didn't just "pass out" when it was time for bed. She probably woke up about every 2-3 hours during the night. Her nebulizer treatment wires her to the point where she is very restless.

LEFT: Watson Family photo........RIGHT: Our family photo

Troy opening gifts, and Elizabeth playing with her Rainbow Stacker!

LEFT: Willa Grace opening a gift...RIGHT: Kaitlynn's re-enactment at Nana Watson's.

LEFT: Great-Grandmother June....RIGHT: Grandpa & his two granddaughters

LEFT: My precious niece, Elizabeth....RIGHT: The three Watson cousins!!

LEFT: Watson Family Photo.........RIGHT: Kaitlynn playing with one of her gifts!

Kaitlynn & Willa Grace's stockings at Nana Watson's house

Definitely a favorite.... this was right after Kaitlynn broke into a complete
laugh over Willa trying to get into her stocking! Priceless.....


Sunday was just as busy as Saturday! We had plans to go to my mom's church, but after our restless night, trying to get Kaitlynn to sleep Sunday morning, and work in her treatments & medicines, we decided to stay home. We headed over to Spartanburg around 12:30pm to spend the afternoon with my Pop & Jaja - my mom's parents. We were able to spend time with my uncle Charles, aunt Tammy, and their daughter Halie as well. Halie's boyfriend, Michael stopped by too! It was wonderful visiting with everyone, and everyone loved spending time with Kaitlynn. They mostly had to watch her from a distance, but they were able to sneak in a few minutes of snuggle time with her here and there! After our time in Spartanburg, we headed back to my mom's so Kelly could pack up his car with all of our gifts and head back to Atlanta alone...... Kaitlynn, Willa Grace and I stayed behind and would be leaving Tuesday morning to head home. I hate saying goodbye and watching Kelly leave without me - even after 1.5 years of marriage, and 2.5 years of knowing each other, I still cry whenever he leaves for a night or several nights!! I just love my husband very much :)

Christmas with Great-Grandfather Pop & Great-Grandmother Jaja

Uncle Charles (my mom's brother) & Aunt Tammy

LEFT: my cousin, Halie......RIGHT: Kaitlynn is 4 months old today!

Kaitlynn opening gifts from her Great-Grandparents!
She looks both curious and excited :)

Playtime with Nana Watson at Pop & Jaja's house!

Willa Grace getting some snuggle time in with her Nana too!

Monday was a very special day for myself. Mary came into Greenville for the day. I hadn't seen her since this same Monday last year - it was the Monday that Kelly and I found out we were pregnant! Now, this Monday, Mary was able to finally meet our daughter. We headed to Monterey's for lunch, then went shopping at Old Navy while Kaitlynn was taking a nap at my mom's house. After running around Greenville for a few hours, my mom called to let me know that Kaitlynn was up from her nap. We headed straight for the house so Mary could finally meet her. It was surreal that she finally met our daughter.... Unfortunately, Kaitlynn's breathing treatments make her very irritable so she was on her "fussy" soap box since there were about 6 people around trying to entertain her. Thank goodness for our cradle swing though! The minute we got her into her own space and sort of isolated, she was calm and ended up falling asleep for a little while.

*Mary & Mark*............*Me & Mary* - my bestest!

Mary finally met our daughter! Last Christmas, she found out Kelly and I
were pregnant, and this Christmas she met Kaitlynn. Precious times.

Kelly and I weren't sure how we would react or feel once Kaitlynn got sick for the first time, but watching her go through this cold for a month, then move into the ear infection/bronchiolitis/breathing treatments has been miserable. All we want to do is to take everything away from her and go through it ourselves, but we can't. All we can do it to love on her, make sure she is resting most of the day, and get her as comfortable as possible. It's pretty ironic - over the past few weeks, she has slowly stopped using her swing as much because she's been interested in all her other toys. However, for the past week now she has wanted nothing but her swing.
After taking the idea from my sister-in-law, Bridgette, I wrapped up a box, and put Kaitlynn in her "Daddy's Favorite Present" outfit. I got some really cute pictures of her sitting in a gift box, but my favorite was the one of both Kelly & Kaitlynn. When Kelly came in from work, he found Kaitlynn in the gift box underneath the Christmas tree - he was so excited!

Kaitlynn had her re-check appointment Wednesday afternoon. We went ahead and weighed her since she was 4 months three days ago! Her stats.....

-At 3 months, she weighed 10lbs. 7oz. (22.75in.)
-At 4 months, she weighed in at 11lbs. 12oz. (23.75in.)

Dr. Smail confirmed that her ear infection had finally cleared up, and her breathing & chest sounded wonderful. We are finishing up her Amoxicillion on Sunday, and are starting to slowly ease her off the breathing treatment. She has had 2 doses today - Wednesday, she'll have 2 doses tomorrow, 1 dose on Friday & Saturday, then off! We have plenty left over just in case we need the extra. I am so thankful Kaitlynn is doing much better. This past week has been a tough one for both Kelly and I. Now, all we have left is to get her eating back on track, then her sleeping will fall into place! Right now Kaitlynn is still only taking around 2-3 oz. (normally 4oz.), and is sleeping around 6 hours at night between feedings (normal she sleeps 10-11 straight hours). Dr. Smail told me today that as soon as her nose starts to clear up, her eating will increase again. Let's pray that it's sooner rather than later!! I also asked Dr. Smail about starting solids. She told me we could start them now, but there is no reason to. We have to start them by 6 months though - Kelly and I are definitely holding off on the foods until then!

December 29th - 4 month wellness check & shots :(

Kaitlynn is still developing her motor skills. She is doing much better at rolling over onto both of her sides by herself. She showed Dr. Smail how well she is doing at rolling over today when we went for her check-up. She is also really enjoying holding onto toys and her bunny blanket. She enjoys touching things with different textures, and still loves to put everything in her mouth = lots of washing! We are still working on her back muscles while using her SuperSeat. We are so excited about the day she starts sitting on her own!!

Kelly and I are having Christmas & Santa Clause with Kaitlynn & Willa Grace tomorrow morning - Christmas Eve morning before heading out in the afternoon to spend some time with the Crawfords! We hope you have a wonderful Christmas with family & friends! May you always remember the true reason for the season - Jesus Christ's birth.

Merry Christmas!

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